My Beagles...

Emma and Levi......are 5 months apart. Emma was born 3 November 2004 and I soon realised she needed a playmate. I was very lucky to find Levi within a few months of getting Emma, as I waited nearly two years for Emma!Levi was born 28 March 2005 and was the naughtiest puppy alive! Him and Emma immediately hit it off and became the best of Beagle Buddies.I desperately needed to find an outlet for my Beagle kids' energy, and ventured into the world of agility. It soon became one of my biggest passions, apart from the Beagle breed, and today Emma and Levi are both competing in the top grades. I made a friend in Slovenia, running her Beagle Xsara in agility, and she inspired me to start teaching them tricks. I'm enjoying it very much and hopefully this blog will be as entertaining and inspiring to others, as Xsara's is to me.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


On the weekend we travelled to Oudtshoorn for two KUSA champ shows. We were warned about the icy conditions that can be found there at this time of year, so we were well prepared. In the end we had such lovely weather and the gloves and hot water bottles were not even needed!

We jumped in 27 degrees on Saturday, almost a little too hot for little Emma, who prefers the cool weather! :)

Having to have 5 dogs and also 5 handlers in a category for a CC (champion certificate) to be awarded, I had to let a friend run Emma on Saturday in the Jumping. Naturally she couldn't understand why mommy left her, so she came looking for me, but after a good few chases, she went back into the ring completing the course with Ansie.

This all proved to be well worth the exercise, as on Sunday Ansie celebrated winning Emma's first Non-Contact CC ever! Well done you two!

Levi obtained his third qualifcation in Contact Grade 1 on Saturday to finally move to Grade 2, unfortunately the rest of his rounds did not go too well, but we learnt a lot!

See video of his Contact Q, still awaiting the clip from Emma's CC, which was not taken on my camera, to be uploaded later.

Thanks to Keegan for manning the camera throughout the weekend.

Emma had a very good weekend, winning the Contact Grade 3 both times, but sadly there were only four dogs, so she could not be awarded any CC's in that category. She also ran clear in both Dog Jumping rounds, one clip attached. She was part of the Western Province Team who won the Cumar Trophy for Dog Jumping, team mates: Lizzie, Nica, Tammy (all with Stephen), Jonti (Dee) and Tiger (Ansie).

1 comment:

Xsara and Tani said...

I love to read about your acomplishments, your beagles make all of us very very proud. Keep up the good work!

Photos in slideshow courtesy of Gary Killian.

Levi pulling out front in Drag Hunt

Photos in slideshow courtesy of Nico Nel.