We went for an early morning beach walk with some friends on New Year's day... it was also brown BC Jessie's birthday, she turned 6. Here are some pics from the beach & also on the field where we had breakfast afterwards.
Table Mountain

Levi seeing a bird floating...

Emma - caffeine junkie
It's MY seaweed!
Emma - caffeine junkie
Emma's work - don't leave car doors open with Beagles around!

Three brown BC friends, Jessie the b'day girl on the left

My family
The gang, not posing...
The gang, posing...
Wow! Truly awesome shots of Table Mountain!! And of course we're loving the Beagle pics :o)
Slobbers xx
Hello! just bobbed over from Dughallmor....we were in Kruger for New year, and then bobbed down to cape Town - gorgous place! You have gorgoeus looking Beagles, and a great brood!! We're trying to look for an agility place where we live in the UK - my beagles (well 2 of them, not Nelly, shes a bit old) would really love it!
Back soon, Nelly, bella, poppy
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